Then teen namely, Himalaya Mohanty who is a resident of Shibapura village in Balasore district hacked the EPABX toll-free number of Lloyd Electricals and Engineering Ltd through his 3 inch smartphone. After breaking into the EPABX, he reportedly uploaded the code along with toll free number of Lloyd on a website. The toll free number allowed him to make free calls.19 Year old teen from Orissa India, who is not even fluent in English and he learned hacking through his old smartphone. He caused loss of $89,000 [R.s 60,00,000 INR] to the city based company by encouraging people to make free telephone calls. However, he was later caught by the police.
Mohanty isn’t good in English and he is pursuing ITI course from a private institution. He learned hacking skills by joining debates online and he is even able to hack WiFi routers, Facebook accounts and email including smartphones.
The police said, “When people contacted him using their phones, he
used to hack their phones by sending a Trojan (virus) and used to track
their movements. However, all this was done by him without gaining
financial benefit.”
“Mohanty enabled the option of outgoing facility by hacking into the system. He uploaded the link of Lloyd along with a code, which a user has to enter after dialling the toll-free number and followed by the number the person intends to call,” Cyber crime inspector Riyazuddin told STOI.
“It is surprising that in spite of his poor English knowledge, he got himself registered on various fora/websites of hacking and was chatting online with translator software”.
In November, Lloyd company had received hefty Rs 60 lakh telephone bill for the toll-free number, which they operate for their customers, whereas their normal expenditure on same is Rs 1 lakh per month.
By using old 3 inch smartphone, teenager was able to hack the electrical company. Although, he was not even fluent in english but he managed to hack the company.
“Mohanty enabled the option of outgoing facility by hacking into the system. He uploaded the link of Lloyd along with a code, which a user has to enter after dialling the toll-free number and followed by the number the person intends to call,” Cyber crime inspector Riyazuddin told STOI.
“It is surprising that in spite of his poor English knowledge, he got himself registered on various fora/websites of hacking and was chatting online with translator software”.
In November, Lloyd company had received hefty Rs 60 lakh telephone bill for the toll-free number, which they operate for their customers, whereas their normal expenditure on same is Rs 1 lakh per month.
By using old 3 inch smartphone, teenager was able to hack the electrical company. Although, he was not even fluent in english but he managed to hack the company.
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