FBI Hacked!! Hacker Leaks Data Of FBI Officers Online
FBI Hacked!! Hacker Leaks Data Of FBI Officers Online
Recently, an old Anonymous member well known as CyberZeist claimed that he managed to hack FBI Website CMS and leaked all the Credentials of FBI Officers.

FBI Hacked!! Hacker Leaks Data Of FBI Officers Online

“Loyalty, courage and integrity” is the motto of the FBI but, in view of the events experienced in recent times, it seems that spends little of the latter. At least with respect to the integrity and security of their data, because the computer systems of this federal agency has again been violated or so it seems.
The story goes like this: A hacker named CyberZeist has boasted on Twitter have hacked the official website of the FBI (fbi.gov). The mysterious subject at least had the courtesy to announce the security hole on last December 22, allowing time for the FBI to patch the problems, before making public on Pastebin data of up to 155 agents of this organization. Information that included the names, email addresses and encrypted passwords online.

The attacker took advantage of a vulnerability in ‘zero-day’ in the CMS, an open source content management software used by the FBI to handle their website. Thanks to this hole, with the hacker CyberZeist managed to include files on the local server and manipulate some Python plugins.

The most worse thing is that some sources claim that the details of this vulnerability would be on sale in the Dark Internet, With which new cybercriminals could follow this line to discover new vectors of attack.

That despite the fact that CMS is considered one of the safest content managers today, used by the organizations like FBI, CIA even the tech giant Google also do the same. In fact, CyberZeist has already alerted organizations such as Amnesty International, the Intellectual Property Rights Coordination Center or the European Union’s Network and Information Security Agency, which also use this system.

The controversy comes with the following: Plone CMS has already announced the launch of an urgent security patch for the next January 17. Of course, for the moment from the team of this system they claim that “there is no evidence that the problems solved by the patch are actively exploiting”.

However, the officials of FBI claimed that the holes are not related to the attack done by CyberZeist, and stated that the whole attack was done using “Photoshop” and the data that are likely to be public are false or fake.